Camarillo: 805.482.8989 | Thousand Oaks: 805.493.1537

Click here to view announcement of Simi Valley site closure scheduled for 11/30/2023. 

Dear Valued Patients,

We continue to focus on the safety of our patients, staff, and visitors by following guidelines:

  • Thorough, specialized cleaning;
  • Minimize high touch surface;
  • Additional hepa filters throughout the offices;
  • No magazines in waiting area; 
  • We encourage everyone with a temperature or viral symptoms to wear a mask.

Dedicated to caring for you, Caring Accessible Excellence,

Coastal Allergy Care

The team of highly trained professionals at Coastal Allergy Care are committed to serving you and your family with the best comfort and care possible.

Our advanced, painless testing approaches allow for a more comfortable experience. We maintain the most current methods and procedures for allergy care and diagnoses.

Three trusted offices for all your allergy and asthma needs! We have locations in Camarillo, Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley to serve you.


Coastal Allergy Care offers Immunizations.  Contact us for more information.


2025 Coastal Allergy Care Holiday Schedule

Our offices will be closed for the following dates:

Monday, February 17th- President’s Day

Monday, May 26th- Memorial Day

Friday, July 4th- Independence Day

Monday, September 1st- Labor Day

Thursday, November 27th – Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 28th- Day After Thanksgiving

Wednesday, December 24th- Offices Close at Noon

Thursday, December 25th- Christmas Day

Friday, December 26th- Day After Christmas

Wednesday, December 31st- Offices Close at Noon

Thursday, January 1st- New Year’s Day 2026


Effective 1/1/2023 NEW: FORM FEE CHARGE INCREASE – $20 School Medication Form Fee / patient / incident is required with ALL Forms.  Other Form $30 Form Fee.

Late cancellations, no-shows, and arriving late to appointments are disruptive to our practice.

Cancellations not made 24 BUSINESS hours in advance will be charged $50 office fee.   For example, if you have an appointment at 9am on Tuesday, please cancel by 9am on Monday.  If you have an appointment at 9am on Monday, please cancel by 9am on Friday.

TELEVISITS are considered an appointment and will be charged as an office visit and the no show policy applies.



What is an allergy?

One of the marvels of the human body is that it can defend itself against harmful invaders such as viruses or bacteria. In some people, the body reacts to harmless substances such as dust, mold or pollen by producing an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE). When patients with one of the allergic diseases (such as rhinitis or asthma) are exposed to these substances, the immune system then rallies its defenses, launching a host of complex chemical weapons to attack and destroy the supposed enemy. In the process, some unpleasant and, in extreme cases, life-threatening symptoms may be experienced.

What causes an allergic reaction?
Who develops allergies?

 Why Us?


Convenient lunchtime, evening and same-day appointments available!. Click here to make an appointment online.


We offer a wide range of shot hours; there is no need to make an appointment. Click here to view our shot hours by location.


Our expert insurance department assures proper billing of reimbursement from your insurance. We accept most PPO & POS insurance plans. Click here for a full list.

Convenient Early AM, Lunch and Evening Appointments Available

Hablamos Español

Tip from Our Allergists

tip-imageWe want to help you help yourself.

It is our belief that the first line of defense against allergy is environmental control. Scientific studies over the last several years have shown which environmental control measures are effective and which are not. The advice given here is based on those studies. By following a simple plan, you can significantly decrease your exposure to allergy-causing substances, and significantly improve your health. In some cases, exposure can be eliminated or decreased to the point that no other treatment is necessary. In other cases exposure can be decreased only partially, making other types of treatment necessary. But even in those situations, less treatment will be required, and it will work better if you have first decreased exposure. If an individual is allergic to one or more substances, the sum total of exposures at a given time (the “total allergen load”) determines whether or not the person’s threshold has been reached and will cause symptoms.

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