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Exciting New Biologic Medications for Severe Asthma and the FDA Approves the first Treatment for Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

Tezspire (Tezepelumab) for Severe Asthma

Tezspire (Tezepelumab) is the newest biologic approved for severe asthma.  Tezepelumab is an injectable biologic medication. A biologic is a medication that targets specific parts of your immune system. The targets for allergic diseases are antibodies, inflammatory molecules, or cell receptors. By targeting these molecules, biologics work to disrupt the pathways that lead to inflammation which causes symptoms. Biologics have become more refined and allow for precision based and individualized care.

Tezspire is the 6th asthma injectable medication available. Tezepelumab works differently than other biologics as it targets TSLP (Thymic stromal lymphopoietin).  TSLP is a key regulator in asthma pathogenesis. TSLP is triggered by various stimuli including viruses and allergens. TSLP stimulates various mechanisms involved in asthma.

Tezspire (Tezepelumab) is different because it acts further upstream in the inflammatory cascade responsible for asthma by blocking the action of a cell-signaling protein called thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP).

FDA Approves First Treatment for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)

Dupixent (Dupilumab) which is approved for atopic dermatitis, asthma, and nasal polyps is now approved for EoE. This is very exciting for allergists as there was no approved treatment for EoE prior to Dupilimab which is approved for adults and pediatric patients 12 years and older weighing at least 40 kilograms.

Dupixent is administered as an injection at different injection sites. Dupixent is intended for use under the guidance of a health care professional and can be given in a clinic or at home by self-administration after training by a health care professional.

EoE is a chronic inflammatory disorder driven by inflammation that damages the esophagus and causes difficulty swallowing, difficulty eating and food getting stuck in the esophagus. I frequently describe it as eczema of the esophagus.

Dupilumab is a monoclonal antibody that acts to inhibit part of the inflammatory pathway. In a phase 3 trial, dupilumab 300 mg weekly significantly improved signs and symptoms of eosinophilic esophagitis compared to placebo.

It is estimated that at least 150,000 patients in the US have EoE. Many of these individuals are symptomatic and require additional treatment.

If you currently suffer from severe asthma, eczema, nasal polyposis, chronic urticaria, or eosinophilic esophagitis speak to us at Coastal Allergy Care to see what treatment is right for you.


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Coastal Allergy Care

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